Saturday, February 27, 2010

Memory Gap

It has been 12-13 days since my last entry here and guess what, I can't remember anything that I was supposed to write. Arhg!

Everytime I ride a jeepney or commute/ride whatever means of transpo, I always remind myself to be observant and mindful of what's happening so that I can have something to write and share here, but since I am stubborn, I don't keep a notepad/notebook in my bag to jot down things to remember such as ideas on what to write on my next entry.
I used to bring a small notebook and a pen before but eversince I started bringing a LOT of things, 2 cp chargers, 2 cellphones, headset, usb, rosary and rosary guide, alcohol, cologne, pocketbook, purse, wallet, another purse (which holds my lip balm, lip stick, hair pins, comb, toothbrush, meds, candies, gums, pen and earrings), another purse (emergency charger and penlight) and a bottle of water, I don't think that small notebook still has a place in my bag. 

Anyways, I am TRYING my very best to remember what happened during those days and as soon as I got something, I'll write it down, PROMISE. Hopefully, I can write here again before my rest days end.

Let's all welcome MARCH with a smile.

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